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发布时间:2024-04-30 17:13 作者:jrs直播 阅读:

萨琳娜·维格曼 在英格兰队在 2025 年女足欧洲杯预选赛首场比赛中只得一分后,赞扬了瑞典队的表现和实力。周五晚上在温布利球场灯光下的交锋是母狮队在 2025 年女足欧洲杯预选赛中的第一场比赛预选赛,因为他们希望保住 2022 年赢得的冠军头衔。英格兰队的下一步是周二前往都柏林英杰华体育场迎战爱尔兰共和国,然后再进行四场预选赛,法国队也在小组中。目标是进入迷你预选赛前两名,并确保在瑞士举行的 2025 年欧洲女足欧洲杯 16 强席位之一。英格兰队在周五对阵瑞典队的比赛中取得了良好的开局,第一节中段,阿莱西亚·鲁索 (Alessia Russo) 带领球队取得领先。一半,但在第二节被弗里多丽娜·罗尔福 (Fridolina Rolfö) 取消。

Wiegman said: "It was a tough game against a very good opponent, we knew that before the game. “We had the ball a lot and how they pressed we struggled a little bit. We went too much inside, especially first half, we chose short options and I think we could have done better with decision-making on the ball. We found it hard to find the spaces and we wanted to go around later on. "They defended really well, out of possession they did well too. We were struggling at moments to get the high press but that also had to do with the qualities they showed, with rotations, inside wingers and some dynamics in midfield."The goal we conceded was really unnecessary. We gave away a throw-in which was unnecessary and then we didn't press enough and they had a good cross and they finished that one. “We were able to have the press on the ball and take out the cross. The moment after we were lucky because we weren't good on a long ball. Those things we really need to do better."At the end of the game we were really pressing trying to score a goal and we were really close, and that's exactly how close this game was.”

England’s opening goal was a moment of real quality, as Lauren James’ expert cross, shortly after she switched to the right flank, was nodded in from close range by Russo.Wiegman added: "There was a moment right before where we had an opportunity and we kept the ball well. We switched play and with the cross, the positioning of Alessia was really good. “She stayed far away at the back shoulder of the right centre back, the preparation, the cross, and the finish was really good."






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