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发布时间:2024-04-30 17:15 作者:jrs直播 阅读:

布伦丹·罗杰斯很高兴看到他的球队在丹斯公园球场对阵邓迪队的一场艰苦比赛后全取三分,保持着英超积分榜榜首的三分领先优势。两个詹姆斯·福雷斯特进球足以让篮球队以 2-1 获胜,而同时凯尔特人队主教练对这位边锋的进球贡献感到满意,他并不感到惊讶。篮球队主帅了解这位 32 岁球员的品质,并亲眼目睹了他的表现上周末在汉普顿举行的苏格兰杯半决赛中,他作为替补出场,他有信心在今天(周日)对阵邓迪的比赛中首发出场。赛后对布伦丹·罗杰斯说道:“我随后与球员们谈论了詹姆斯,他是这家具乐​​部在过去十年中取得巨大成功的创始人之一。“现在周围的人并不多——显然有卡尔,但詹姆斯显然,他是效力时间最长的球员——他的谦逊、他的态度、心态,还有,显然,他在球场上的品质是我们多年来看到的,但可能从未得到他应得的赞誉。凯尔特人电视台“但我确信这会在某个时候到来,尤其是当他离开时,但现在对我们来说,你可以看到他可以做出的贡献。主教练:詹姆斯是一名出色的球员,他继续做出重要贡献(图2)

“他一直在那里,他已经做到了,他为俱乐部取得的成就并非偶然。显然他是真正优秀球队的一员,但优秀的球队是由非常优秀的个人球员组成的,而他也是一名出色的个人球员。整个赛季他从未动摇过,他为我们做出了非常好的贡献,你看到了他的不同之处当他打球的时候,他就会做出这样的事情。”He’s never wavered all season, and he’s making a really good contribution for us and you see the difference he makes when he plays.”

Forrest scored in either half to put Celtic in control of the game, and although Dundee reduced the deficit courtesy of an Adam Idah own goal, the Hoops saw it out to claim three vital points.The result means that Celtic are three points clear with four matches remaining, the first of them at home next weekend against Hearts.“It was always going to be difficult today because the pitch was very dry, and just walking on it at the end, seeing how bumpy it was, which made it difficult for fast flowing football – you could see that in terms of the ball bouncing about,” said Brendan Rodgers.“But the win, at this stage of the season, is what is important.“So I’m really pleased with the players. We got a goal up and had another couple of opportunities in the first-half. In the second-half we then got control of the game at 2-0, but sadly we gave away the own goal which gave them a bit of hope in the last 15 minutes.“But we dealt with it well, the balls into the box, we had to defend strong and I’m pleased to get the three points.”






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